Bhanu Gaire
is a young business-main He is Kapilvastu Basi He had set a goal of becoming a businessman from an early age and he started fulfilling his goal from an early age out of fear of doing his own job in connection with his studies.
After completing SLC in about 15 years, he started working in the field of technology and started his own business by studying from the age of 16 due to the thought of doing something while working in the same field.
From an early age, people were amazed by his nature and people did not believe him easily.
Gradually, everyone got to know each other and now they are afraid to come into the limelight.
He says he still has a lot of goals.
He said that he has contributed a lot to the technology, has written his name in the Guinness Book of World Records, and has done a good job of keeping the name of the country high.
Name:– Bhanu Gaire
Date of birth:- 20th September 1998
Birthplace:- Arghakhanchi Lumbini Zone Nepal.
Height:- N/A 5.6fit
Occupation:- Model, Actor, Photographer, writer
Debut:- Escape
नाम: - भानु गैरे
जन्म मिति: - २० सेप्टेम्बर १ 1998 1998
जन्मस्थान: - अर्घाखाँची लुम्बिनी क्षेत्र नेपाल।
उचाई: - N / A 5.6 Fit
पेशा: - मोडेल, अभिनेता, फोटोग्राफर, लेखक
Bhanu gaire is one of the talented and promising photographers, writers, businessmen of Nepal.
भानु गैरे एक युवा business main हुन | उनी कपिलवस्तु बासी हुन | आफुलाइ सानै देखि business Main हुने लक्ष्य राखेका थिय र उनले आफ्नो पडाइ सङ्गै job गर्ने सिलसिला मा आफै गर्ने सोच भयका ले सानै उमेर देखि नै आफ्नो लक्ष्य पूरा गर्न थाले |
करिब १५ बर्ष मा Slc पूरा गरेर टेक्नोलोजी विषय तर्फ लागे र सोही सिलसिला मा Job गर्ने क्रममा आफूले नै केही गर्ने सोच का कारण १६ बर्ष को उमेर देखि नै अध्यनरत हुँदै आफ्नो ब्यबसाय सुरु गरे ,
उनको सानै देखि नै सो स्वभाव देखेर मानिस हरु अचम्म मान्ने गर्द्थे र मानिस ले सजिलै बिस्बास गर्दैनथे ।
बिस्तारै बिस्तारै सबैले चिन्दै गए र अहिले भने निकै चर्चा मा आउन सफल भयका छन ।
अझै उन को धेरै लक्ष्य रहेको उनी बताउछन ।
उनले टेक्नोलोजी तर्फ धेरै योगदान दिने , गिनिजबुक वोल्ड रेकड मा नाम लेखाउने साथै देश को नाम उच्च राख्न राम्रो काम गरेर देखाउने बतायका छन |
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